I have to admit that I love my neighbor Tisha.........even with all her crazy ideas! For instance, we went Yard Selling on Saturday morning and pull up to our 2nd Yard Sale of the day and there's these mannequin bodies for sale (only the bottom half though.........oddly). The minute I put my truck in park I tell Tisha "you are not buying those mannequins". Well, sure as crap as we're leaving Tisha says to the yard sale host (or whatever you call the person putting on the yard sale) "how much for the mannequin?" As I held myself back from putting Tish over my shoulder and carrying her to the truck before she could buy it the guy says "fifty cents", of which Tisha says "including her pants?" Well what a freaking bargain, cause of course it included the pants. Who can pass up a half mannequin in pink pants for fifty cents?!! Well, I could, but Tisha can't. So here is "Tammy" (we had to name her cause calling it mannequin isn't as fun) in the back of my truck. Now she's being passed around the neighborhood in people yards where she appears to be crawling out of bushes, or working under cars, or just simply looking disturbing! I tell you, never a dull moment.........epecially if Tisha (and Tammy) are involved!!!