Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Monday, November 7, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Taysen's turning 8!

My little Taytor is turning 8 years old this Saturday (10/15). It seems like just yesterday the 8 lb 5 oz little turkey was born, and now he's going to be accountable for his own sins.........crazy how fast they grow up! Here's a picture of him posing for his Baptism announcement - he's soooooo stinking cute, I could eat him!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Disneyland 2011

We had so much fun at Disneyland. Aaron and I hadn't been since we were little kids (so our kid's obviously had not been there EVER)! All the boys were such good sports, and little Brigz had no fear! The little turkeys rode all the rides, and then some over and over again! I didn't think I'd overly love going (being as though I'm a total germ freak and of course Disneyland is caked with germs), but I LOOOOOOVED it! I hope we all get to go again soon, before my kids are in their 30's and taking their own children (then I'll really be old)!!! :-)
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I have to admit that I love my neighbor Tisha.........even with all her crazy ideas! For instance, we went Yard Selling on Saturday morning and pull up to our 2nd Yard Sale of the day and there's these mannequin bodies for sale (only the bottom half though.........oddly). The minute I put my truck in park I tell Tisha "you are not buying those mannequins". Well, sure as crap as we're leaving Tisha says to the yard sale host (or whatever you call the person putting on the yard sale) "how much for the mannequin?" As I held myself back from putting Tish over my shoulder and carrying her to the truck before she could buy it the guy says "fifty cents", of which Tisha says "including her pants?" Well what a freaking bargain, cause of course it included the pants. Who can pass up a half mannequin in pink pants for fifty cents?!! Well, I could, but Tisha can't. So here is "Tammy" (we had to name her cause calling it mannequin isn't as fun) in the back of my truck. Now she's being passed around the neighborhood in people yards where she appears to be crawling out of bushes, or working under cars, or just simply looking disturbing! I tell you, never a dull moment.........epecially if Tisha (and Tammy) are involved!!!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Family 5k!

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Taysen and Daddy at the Jazz Game!
Saturday, February 26, 2011
"Cat in the Hat"
Friday, February 18, 2011
It's about that time!!!
Just getting excited for the baseball season to start! Rykley plays on an excellerated baseball team ("Power, you know!" - their moto), and their games start soon! He makes me proud. He works extra hard at sports, cause he loves them so much, and wants to be the best. Now his little brother, who naturally can play sports, isn't overly concerned with them right now..............isn't that always the way it goes! I have to admit that hanging out at the ballpark, basketball court, and football field is great. I love being a Mom of 3 boys............a girl would have been great, but I think I'm made for boys more than the ballet (plus I carry enough hormones on my own, another girl in the house may have killed Aaron)! I love you boys!!!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Dropped the load!
So it's been just over a week since we started potty training Brigzen. He was rocking on the whole pee thing, but the poop was leaving room to be desired! Well, last Friday he comes to me saying "I need to poo, I need to poo"! I thought for sure he'd have "already dropped the load" in his pants, but he hadn't. I put him on the toilet and he totally unleashed. Since then he's been accident free in both departments! He makes me so proud. I thought it was going to be completely horrible, but he's proving me wrong! Way to go #1 and #2 in the potty Brigz.......you are a big boy! Now if we can get him to go to Sunbeams we'll totally have it all together (figuratively speaking)!!!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Potty Training - "I FREAKING HATE IT"!
We just started potty training Brigzen yesterday (YIKES), and I'm already thinking that changing a diaper isn't so bad. He has no desire to poop in the potty, and minimal desire to pee. Aaron keeps saying he's done changing diapers cause Brigz is 3 and that is too old to be in diapers, so I took the liberty of inviting him to start the training himself if he thought that were the case! Needless to say Aaron never started the potty training! We are on day 2 still in pull-ups and on Friday he goes to undies (since I'll be off to stay with him when he pees his pants and drops a clod of poop in his underwear.......didn't figure anyone else should have to deal with that)! Anyways, I just wanted to put it in writing that we are potty training and that both Brigzen and his parents are still surviving (STILL is the key word........at any moment it could come to an end for either of us)!!!!
P.S. I'd post of picture of a pull-up or something to go with this topic if I had one, but I don't so no pic! I'll post one of his "accidents" in his undies on Friday though if you're lucky, since I'm sure we'll have plenty of them!!!
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